Join me, Marina Streljak, and I'll personally help you build a second income with top rated SFI—now in its 19th year! Click here to join my team and get started FREE today!
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A TripleClicks TCurrency License allows you to sell and accept direct payments for TripleClicks TCurrency. Cost is $35 annually For complete details, see:
A TripleClicks TCurrency License allows you to sell and accept direct payments for TripleClicks TCurrency. Cost is $35 annually For complete details, see:
4.45 229
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petak, 21. srpnja 2017.

Get started with $250 in "Class Cash!"

Dear people,
if you want learn how make money doing internet marketing as SFI affiliate  and/or team leader join  in my team and I teach you!

                                                  click on picture and start earningđŸ”ș

Also, you can earn 250$ in cash if you follow steps for new affiliates ...Its all easy just need to have computer or smartphone and internet and of course free time.

We also have, a video for help to do FREE registration and first steps so  watch it if you need help;

After registration I send to you email and welcome in my team.

petak, 14. srpnja 2017.

 Worried about money?
Lose those worries by adding a second paycheck with Strong Future International. Get started FREE. Start seeing money within a few weeks. Learn more at:

srijeda, 14. lipnja 2017.

How can I be an awesome sponsor and create big income duplication?

Scoring VersaPoints and generating sales at are a great way to earn money with SFI. To create a MAJOR monthly income stream, however, you've got to lead and grow a team of active SFI affiliates and tap into the ultimate jewel in SFI's compensation plan--VersaPoints Matching.

VersaPoints Matching means that every month you can get matching shares of the TripleClicks Executive Pool on every affiliate under you within up to 12 generations downline (and on every one of your Co-Sponsored Affiliates, too). In other words, for every VP they earn, YOU can earn matching VP!

Many SFI affiliates earn THOUSANDS of matching shares EACH MONTH on the activities of HUNDREDS of affiliates! YOU can join them by following the guidelines provided in this article.

Tip: Print this article out and go through each item one by one. How many of the 24 DOs are you employing in your SFI business to create monthly growth? How many of the 8 DON'Ts are you guilty of that may be sabotaging your success? We've provided you with the guidelines, now it's up to YOU.

1. DO, first and foremost, always lead by example. Do all the things that you want your downline members to do, and they will follow your lead.

2. DO offer and provide robust support to you downline always. Never forget that YOU succeed only if THEY succeed.
3. DO "work with the workers" and never forget this critical principle.

4. DO fully complete your Leadership Page, and then keep it fresh by checking it at least weekly for needed updates and/or for adding new content.

5. DO send out a weekly newsletter to your entire downline and CSAs. You can use the group mailer in your Genealogy, the PSA Mailer, and/or CSA Mailer. Tip: Not sure what to say? Pick and choose from the numerous sample messages provided HERE. Another tip: Don't expect lots of responses. Instead, stay focused on publishing valuable information each week. Remember, most people are highly skeptical that they can make money on the Internet. Over time, your consistency will demonstrate that SFI is real, that you're real, and then they'll want to jump in. Think of your weekly newsletters as follow-ups. In the advertising world, it's well-known that most people have to be exposed to something at least 10 times before they even notice it...and often many times more before they will take action such as making a purchase. Use this knowledge to your advantage with a regular, weekly newsletter!

6. DO include your Leadership Page URL in all correspondence with your team (the URL is, and encourage your team members to visit your Leadership Page regularly. For example, always include it in your weekly newsletter something like, Visit my Leadership Page for the latest tips, contests, and more for our team at:

7. DO set up contests using your Leadership Page "Rewards/Incentives" section. This will be a GREAT way to to motivate your team by providing specific, actionable goals. You can set the specifications for each of your contests (who is eligible to enter, what the qualifications to win are, the starting and ending dates, restrictions, and of course the prize—which can be TCredits, PSA reassignments, or gift certificates). When your downline members go to your LP, all contests they are eligible for will be automatically presented to them to enter! Also, be sure to test different types of contests for different segments of your team, such as EAs only or affiliates only or PSAs only. Then PROMOTE your contests regularly in your newsletters, Stream postings, etc.

8. DO post a message on your SFI home page's Stream tab at least every three days. Major announcements or deep thoughts are unnecessary. Instead, post a brief word of encouragement, a short tip or insight, a favorite quote, a quick comment regarding a recent SFI news item, a thank you, recognition of team members who have reached a milestone, or just a description of what you're doing to build your SFI business today.

9. DO answer all e-mails you receive from your team members within 24 hours--sooner if possible.

10. DO think big and act boldly.

11. DO regularly check My Movers and/or your Genealogy for team members who are online at the SFI Affiliate Center. Start up conversations with them. Tip: You can use the "online now" filter at the Genealogy to pull up all who are currently online.

12. DO, when you receive an e-mail notification of a new PSA, click the included link and see if they are online now. If so, don't waste a second; start up an "SFIM" online chat with them. Start with a Hi, I'm your SFI sponsor, {YOUR NAME}. Welcome to SFI! Can I help you to get started? This is one of the absolute best ways to connect with a new PSA and start them on the road to success in SFI (which, of course, adds to your success).

13. DO encourage your affiliates to use a2a to find SFI'ers in their region--especially if they live in countries other than yours. "Locals" may know about the culture, marketing, etc., that works there—things you may not be aware of. You can also help your international affiliates find good locals by identifying them yourself and then forwarding to them the URL of their Affiliate Snapshot. From the Affiliate Snapshot, they can become a2a friends by simply clicking the a2a Friend Request button located under the photo. Tip: Build a list of top international a2a'ers on your own "Top Friends" list to refer your affiliates to. Example: You gain a new PSA from Indonesia. Go to your Top Friends list, click the name of one of the Indonesians you've added. Now copy the URL of their Affiliate Snapshot and send it to your new PSA and encourage them to request a2a friendship with your Indonesian a2a friend.

14. DO use your SFI badges to lead by example. Remember, when your team members visit your Leadership Page (or view your Affiliate Snapshot), your badges are displayed to them. Your team members will do as you do. Hence, make sure everything you want them to do you've got the badge for on YOUR page...such as: Standing Order, a high Power Rank, a high VP leaderboard rank, W3 membership, E365 finalist, S-Builder, etc. If your page isn't sporting these badges, don't expect your downline members to work for them either. Lead by example!

15. DO work with and cheer on all your PSAs who are currently in the E365 contest. Just go to the E365 Leaderboard and select "My PSAs." Tip: Clicking their name will display their Affiliate Snapshot. Their Snapshot contains specific details on their current status in the E365 contest--as well as a link to their VP Ledger so you can see what points are available to them. Use this information to personalize your support messages to them.

16. DO also work with and cheer on all your CSAs who are currently in the E365 contest. Just go to the E365 Leaderboard and select "My CSAs." See previous "DO" for additional tips you can use with your CSAs in the E365 contest.

17. DO write a good "My Best Tip" and make sure it's spell checked and the grammar is correct. Your downline will be seeing your tip on your Affiliate Snapshot and Leadership Page. This is a one of the best places to show your team what kind of leader you are. Add/edit your tip HERE.

18. DO spend a few minutes every day at the SFI Forum. Be visible to the SFI community as a whole and to your downline, especially by posting regularly. Share tips and answer questions that are posted. Show your downline that you're a leader at the Forum too.

19. DO recognize the good works and milestones of your team members. Everyone likes to have their accomplishments recognized! You can use a combination of venues, including the Recognition section of your Leadership Page, the Recognition section at the SFI Forum, your weekly newsletters, and TeamTalk posts on Stream. Recognize new affiliates, new EAs, and new Team Leaders. Recognize milestones, such as: first PSA sign-up; first PRM sign-up; first TripleClicks sale; and achieving the rank of EA. Recognize the advancements of your PSAs in the Entrepreneur365 Challenge, etc.

20. DO reassign PSAs. Here's the strategy we recommend: Using the information at your My Movers tab and/or your Genealogy, identify your five best, most active PSAs. TIP: Your Visual Genealogy makes it super easy to identify up to five of your most active PSAs. You want to help each of these five become a PTL (Platinum Team Leader). Reassign equally all of your other PSAs under these five...and let them know what you've done. Note: Don't fret about doing these reassignments. You can earn Matching VP (override income) on every person you reassign so you can still directly benefit from all of their actions. Assuming you've chosen your five potential leaders well, you now have five very excited PSAs who are now even more motivated to work and build their SFI businesses. PLUS, by narrowing everything down to five people, you can put the immense power of FOCUS to work for you. Be at their beck and call, and work with each of your five PSAs closely, ideally on a daily basis. This is where you'll create the momentum that manifests in ever-larger monthly commissions.  Learn more about motivating these core group of affiliates via our Designated Diamond program HERE.

Note: If you don't yet have five go-getters, start with two or three. You can always add people later. Must you stop with five? No, but you can earn a massive income with just 5 to 10 superstar PSAs, so don't spread yourself too thin going any wider on your front line. More on this topic here. TIP: Also consider removing potential communication barriers by reassigning PSAs from non-English speaking countries to active Affiliates in your downline from those same countries or who speak the same language. Learn more.

21. DO run an advertising co-op for your team if you can. Use SFI's Co-op Manager; it does all the heavy lifting and makes setting up and maintaining a team co-op simple and easy.

22. DO add your own creativity to your marketing. "In the years before we launched SFI, I ALWAYS created my own marketing tools to promote the companies I was associated with, and it was a major reason for my success," says SFI Founder, Gery Carson. Yes, you must stay within the boundaries of SFI's advertising policies, but there is plenty of room to add your own touches, your own story, your own style, to create marketing that works for YOU.

Here's a good tip for connecting with SFI skeptics: Use the included filter on your SFI Testimonial Gateway ( to display just the testimonials from the country you're marketing in. Each testimonial also features the name, photo, and country of the author, so your potential affiliates can immediately see that these are real people from their own country with good things to say about SFI. Just go to your Gateway List, scroll down and access your Testimonial Gateway. Then, select the country you want to use from the dropdown menu on the Gateway, and cut and paste the resulting URL into your ad or marketing copy.

23. DO view and browse all Forum posts of your PSAs and CSAs. Your PSAs and CSAs are the lifeblood of your team, and they'll appreciate seeing their sponsor or co-sponsor on the Forum and responding to their posts. Just click the Profile tab at the SFI Forum for a listing of your PSA and CSA posts.

23. DO read every day. Always remember that leaders are readers!
24. DO review "The Plan" for reaching the rank of DTL and maximizing your success and income with SFI.

25. DO follow these five powerful ways to encourage your PSAs and CSAs to become EA2s so they can begin to grow their own teams and create duplication.

26. DO engage your new PSAs when they join your SFI team using the Icebreakers tool. Learn more.

27. DO apply and use the SFI Rules Of Success at all times!

1. DON'T set up an autoresponder or canned text for replying to team members who've contacted you. Doing so is a MAJOR turn-off and is absolutely counter to how you achieve success in SFI. Duplication and big commissions are built on the creation and maintaining of good, strong relationships with your team members. You cannot build a relationship by ignoring someone or substituting the personal touch with automation.

2. DON'T twist people's arms about "upgrading" or becoming an EA. Do this and you may actually get the OPPOSITE result! Learn what you SHOULD be emphasizing HERE.

3. DON'T do actions that you don't want your downline to emulate. Remember, as spelled out in the first "DO" above, your downline follows your lead—good OR bad! If your downline gets the impression that YOU do nothing, they'll likely do the same...NOTHING.

4. DON'T set up a support Website for your team unless you are prepared to keep it up to date (SFI is constantly evolving and adding programs/features).

5. DON'T be sloppy and unprofessional in your communications with your team members. Leaders get the details right.

6. DON'T major in minors.

7. DON'T do things for your affiliates that they should do themselves—or you will create "dependents."

8. DON'T waste your time on skeptics and non-motivated people. You and SFI can only provide the track for them to run on. You cannot drag people across the finish line. They have to want it for themselves. Always focus on the workers.

srijeda, 19. travnja 2017.

Congratulations, new SFI Silver Team Leader!

Hi Marina,
This message confirms that you have met the VersaPoints and PSA requirements for the rank of Silver Team Leader (STL) for the month of April 2017. Congratulations! Thanks to my team.❤.


četvrtak, 16. oĆŸujka 2017.

Building a team is soooooooooo very important to achieving success in SFI.  

Here's why:

It doesn’t matter how intelligent, rich, energetic, or dynamic you are—we are all limited to the same 24 hours a day. By sponsoring other affiliates, however, you can overcome this limitation. By sponsoring, you can essentially clone yourself and have dozens, hundreds, even thousands of people all working indirectly on your behalf on their time—and receive a percentage of everything they earn!
Sponsoring affiliates also builds security for your business. Why? In most traditional businesses, what happens if you become ill or disabled and are unable to service your customers? Or perhaps you just want to take a vacation. Whatever the case, you could lose most, if not all, of your income overnight because it relies on your being there. That’s not owning your own life, and that’s certainly not financial freedom!

Through the process of sponsoring affiliates, however, you can create total financial freedom for yourself. When you've sponsored your own team of independent business people, you no longer have all your eggs in one basket. On the contrary, because each person on your team has a vested interest in continuing and building his or her own businesses, you create an income that is not dependent upon you—an income that can continue, even grow, indefinitely, with or WITHOUT you!

Now read the above three paragraphs again, and make sure it sinks in, because it is one of THE most important things you'll ever learn at SFI.  Build a team, and you'll build success.  Don't ever forget this.  And always keep team building amongst your highest priorities!

Since 1998, SFI has been leading the Internet income revolution
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